BazarfeLez, reference price of copper sheet and brass sheet in Iran

Bazarfelez, copper sheet and brass sheet reference

Bahonar copper sheet is available in roll, sheet, and cut forms. Bazarfelez copper sheet with 99.99% purity is offered in various thicknesses and dimensions in sheet and roll forms.

The prices of metal sheets at the Rahimi Bazarfelez store are competitive. The daily price of copper sheets and brass sheets depends on the purity and quality of the main metals, namely copper and brass. However, this is not the only factor; political and economic factors, global market sheet prices, supply and demand in the iron market, and the factory providing the copper sheet also play a role in determining the prices of copper and brass sheets.

Bazarefelez is the reference for buying copper, buying and price of copper sheet and all kinds of copper and brass sections in Pamnar, Tehran, Iran.

Daily price of copper sheet
Daily price of copper plate
Price of brass sheet
Daily price of copper roll

Procedures for placing an order from Bazarefelez

purchase request

Call 021-33906225

Invoice issuance

In less than 30 minutes

Quality Control

and inspection by an expert

Picking up and transporting

and send to the destination

Final settlement

Balance paid

Latest price update

The following prices are not definitive and have a 5% tolerance. You can contact us to know the price of the day.

The latest update of brass sheet (price per kilo in Tomans)

The latest update of copper sheet (price per kilo in Tomans)

About Rahimi BazarFelez

This group started working with Shahid Bahonar Copper Industries Company in 1374, and after 25 years of working with this company, it continues to sell rolled products of this factory, including copper and brass sheets and rolls; It should be noted that according to the needs of the market, this product has been imported from other countries at different times.

This collection, under the management of Mr. Reza Rahimi, with a long-term vision, aims to provide all the needs of the market, from employers and large factories to small workshops and dear consumers, at a reasonable and competitive price in the shortest possible time. We are proud of the collaborations, both in small volume and huge projects. It is hoped that dear customers will experience a behavior worthy of their dignity after cooperating with this collection.

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34+ years of our work experience
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Satisfaction of our customers

Frequently asked questions of our customers

Using its 30 years of experience, Rahimi store guarantees the high quality of its products, and its long-term cooperation with Bahnar Copper Company is a proof of this.

Using the market day price and a partial discount at the end of the transaction

Rahimi store provides services to 100 customers on average during the day.

Rahimi store has been operating since 1368 with the aim of selling and supplying different sections of copper and brass and serves in the field of selling copper sheets, copper rolls and coils, brass spring coils and brass sheets in order to meet the needs of the market.

This Company, under the management of Mr. Reza Rahimi, with a long-term vision, aims to provide all the needs of the market, from employers and large factories to small workshops and dear consumers, at a reasonable and competitive price in the shortest possible time.

The three factors of the global price of copper, the price of currency and the amount of copper offered in the stock exchange determine the price of copper in Iran.

According to the production standards and the type of consumer use, the best type of brass alloy is recommended to the customers.

Bazarfelez Rahimi supplier of copper sheet and brass sheet and copper and brass roll with the best price

Bahner copper sheet is supplied in roll, sheet and cut form. Bazarfelez copper sheet with 99.99% purity is offered in sheets and rolls in various thicknesses and dimensions.

What factors determine the daily price of copper sheet?

The daily price of copper sheet and the daily price of brass sheet are related to the purity and quality of its main metal, i.e. copper and brass. But it is not the only component of this case, and political and economic factors, sheet price in the world market, the amount of supply and demand in the iron market and the factory providing copper sheet play a role in determining the price of copper and brass sheet.

What does the metal market copper sheet include?

With a 25-year cooperation with Bahnar Kerman factory, Bazarfelez has offered copper sheet, brass sheet, copper roll, copper coil and brass coil to the metal market.

How is the price of copper sheet determined?

Copper sheet gets its price from different components. In Iran, the copper sheet depends on the world price of this metal, the exchange rate and the dollar, and the thickness of the copper sheet.

What is the thickness of Bazarfelez copper sheet?

Bazarfels offers its copper and brass sheets from 0.05 mm to 7 mm thickness.

Bazarfelez is the reference for copper and brass products of Bahnar company

One of the most important reasons for buying and selling metal sheets such as copper and brass, coil (copper) and earth plate is the wide range of applications that these products have. In the following, we mention some of the most important uses of copper in various industries.

All kinds of copper products in the metal market store

Bazar Faelz store offers all kinds of high quality copper products from the best manufacturing companies such as Bahnar Kerman.

Bazarfelez copper products:

  • Copper sheet: The most widely used type of copper products are copper sheets in different thicknesses, and copper is sold as thin or thick sheets in the metal market.
  • Copper coil: Another form of this metal that is available for purchasing copper sheet is copper coil or roll, which can be purchased in different sizes and thicknesses; Copper coil is often known as copper wire.
  • Bahner copper earth plate: buying a copper earth plate is often suitable for situations where excess current and load need to be neutralized; In fact, the copper earth plate has the highest percentage of purity among the types of copper plates and is specially used for transferring electric charge to the ground.

Bahonar copper coil and sheet

List of brass products in metal market

It is also possible to buy brass products in all kinds of sheets and coils in the metal market store.

Brass products in the metal market collection include:

  • Brass sheet: Brass sheet is known as the best-selling product among brass metals, which can be purchased in different thicknesses and dimensions.
  • Spring brass roll: One of the forms of rice sheet, which is also known as semi-hard brass sheet, is spring brass roll. This product has relatively good flexibility.
  • Hard brass roll: Buying hard brass roll is often for applications that require more strength and flexibility is not important.
  • Soft brass roll: The best-selling and most widely used product among soft, hard and spring brass rolls are soft brass products because their copper percentage is higher and they have very high flexibility.